Homepage of Sieger Bokschoten

Web Developer, English Teacher, and Cryptocurrency Enthusiast

About Me

I'm very curious about the world. I love learning new things about science, economics, programming, psychology, and history. How all of these things come together and combine are what's most interesting to me. Most of this interest comes from my past in being homeschooled and learning about many subjects on my own. I've taken online courses and read research papers and technical documentation to better understand how so many things work together in the world.

I was born in the United States and lived there for 20 years until I moved to Santiago, Chile. I've been living in Chile now for 7 years. Mostly I've been teaching English as a foreign language, but I've done some small projects in web development, and worked for over a year with a cryptocurrency fintech startup based in Santiago doing a wide range of tasks, including web development.

Now I'm looking to the future to see where I can develop my career and which projects I should be working on to grow personally and professionally. I have many ideas for web projects and will be updating this website when I have a few near completion that I can show off.